Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees


  • $23.00: Accelerated/Full-Time/Half-Time/Part-Time Student Tuition (per classroom hour averages)
  • $54,510.00: Entire program MAc Tuition 2,370 hours
  • $70,035.00: Entire program MAcCHM Tuition 3,045 hours
  • $62,100.00: Entire program DAc Tuition 2,700 hours
  • $77,625.00: Entire program DAcCHM Tuition 3,375 hours
  • 5% discount: Entire program Tuition paid in advance (guarantees current tuition rate for entire program)

Late payments may be grounds for probation or dismissal.

Total Cost of Program

  • Tuition and fees are subject to change at the start of each trimester only.
  • Entire Program Tuition paid in advance guarantees current tuition rate for the entire program.
  • Seminars are not figured in the tuition costs and range from $50 to $300. They are recommended, but not required. Seminar payments are due the first day of class.
  • Standard Fee Schedule and Other Fees


  • $23.00 per hour: Tuition Rate
  • 2,370 hours: Program Hours
  • $59,690.00: Total Cost of Program – this figure includes tuition ($54,510.00) and  $5,180 ($740 per trimester) for the estimated cost of textbooks, materials, supplies, and standard fees.


  • $23.00 per hour: Tuition Rate
  • 3,045 hours: Program Hours
  • $76,935.00: Total Cost of Program – this figure includes tuition ($70,035.00) and $6,900 ($766.67 per trimester) for the estimated cost of textbooks, materials, supplies, and standard fees.


  • $23.00 per hour: Tuition Rate
  • 2,700 hours: Program Hours
  • $67,750.00 Total Cost of Program  – this figure includes tuition ($62,100.00) and $5,650 ($706.25 per trimester) for the estimated cost of textbooks, materials, supplies, and standard fees.


  • $23.00 per hour: Tuition Rate
  • 3,375 hours: Program Hours
  • $85,475.00 Total Cost of Program – this figure includes tuition ($77,625.00) and $7,850 ($785.00 per trimester) for the estimated cost of textbooks, materials, supplies, and standard fees.

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