The Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine: CSTCM Testimonial

The Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine: CSTCM Student Clinic Testimonial

A wonderful interview with, and testimonial from on of our regular clients at CSTCM’s Student Clinic.  She discusses the benefits she has received from the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture treatments she has gotten from our Student Clinic.


Learn how to apply to become a student of Traditional Chinese Medicine by calling 303.329.6355

Q: What brought you to try Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine at CSTCM’s Student Clinic?

A: I was so wanting to explore Eastern medicine versus Western and I decided that since I lived in the neighborhood it would be a great opportunity.  

Acupuncture Needle
Acupuncture can provide many benefits to overall Health & Wellness

Q: What other therapies or treatments did you try prior to coming to CSTCM?

A: Traditional Western stuff and then also Chiropractic,  Massage Therapy, all that stuff.

Acupuncture Instructor
An instructor demonstrating a technique in our Student Clinic

Q: What brought you to CSTCM’s Student Clinic in the first place?

A: When I was going through my master’s program I needed hours to obtain my licensure and to graduate and I vowed that if people were to trust me in the field of psychology that I would pay that forward and give other students the opportunity.

Selecting Chinese Herbs
A Student selecting an herbal therapy for a client of our Student Clinic.

Q: How long have you been using Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?

A: Oh my gosh probably four years maybe four five years at this point.

A Student
A Student of CSTCM receiving treatment.

Q: Have the treatments you have received at our clinic been successful in treating your health concerns?  Or, what have the benefits of TCM been?

A: Yes they’ve been wonderful.  I come for different reasons. Sometimes I feel stressed or I feel lethargic or you know maybe depressed or you know, sick.

Lots of different things, and so whenever I feel like I need some sort of help I come here and they’re able to fix whatever is going on.  I can’t sleep they can poke me somewhere and that’s it – they fix it. It’s amazing.


Q: What has your experience been like working with our students?

A: They’ve really been wonderful.  This is a very professional school and so I don’t really feel ever as if the care isn’t going to be of the utmost quality.  The instructors are always here – they will pop in, they’ll ask questions, so it’s a great experience, and I no longer live in the neighborhood but I still come back.

Q: Would you recommend this medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, to others?

A: absolutely I recommend it all the time to everyone for lots of different reasons because I’m in the field of psychology.  I know that it does help with not only mood stuff but also those co-occurring things like chronic pain which can affect mood and and motivation and all of those things, so I recommended it to everybody all the time.

Q: Would you recommend our Student Clinic?

A:  Absolutely yes, absolutely. I think it’s an easy way for people to get acquainted with Traditional Chinese medicine in a very calm, non-scary environment.

Q:  Any final thoughts?

A:  I just love the treatments.  It’s just it’s been really helpful for me and working for our nonprofit it’s great because it’s very affordable as well.