Student Interview: What Brought You to the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine?

To inquire about becoming a student at CSTCM, please call: 303.329.6355 or Contact Us

Q: What Brought You to CSTCM?

A: well actually there aren’t very many choices in terms of going to school here in Colorado so I chose CSTCM partially because of the location and also because
it actually is an accredited school.
Students have access to our on-campus library and media center

Q: Currently, Where Are You in the Program?

A: So currently I am in the Acupuncture program,  and I am in my second year, fifth trimester.
Acupuncture Model
At CSTCM, inspiration and resources are everywhere you look!

Q: What Has Been Your Experience So Far with the Administration, Staff, and Supervisors in the Student Clinic?

A: So far my interaction with the administration has been very very professional.   High standards are expected, and that is something that is to be expected, so it’s been a professional relationship.  There’s a lot of great people at CSTCM –  faculty and students as well.

Yeah, excellent teachers. I really appreciate the variety and varying styles of the different practitioners that come from different areas of the tradition,  I think that enriches the experience significantly,  because we’re getting so many different points of view, sometimes it’s a lot to take in, but once you digest it we can approach it from so many different angles.
I think that that’s great with the faculty also and with the clinic.  I just started the clinic this semester.  It’s been a great experience.  I’ve been paired with a great team and they’re very helpful and enabling me and the other students that are on my same level,  to move forward and to grow and apply what you know what we’ve learned.
Students having Fun
Believe it or not, our students also have a lot of fun!

Q: What Do You Like Best About CSTCM?

A: One of the things I like best is that when I have a question gets answered in a timely manner.  If something’s out of order,  if there’s something that needs to be taken care of, it’s taken care of in a timely and professional manner.   We don’t have to wait around or get excuses.  I would actually say that the professional standard that we are expected as students to live up to, the faculty actually demonstrates that as well.
Our Staff and Administration here at CSTCM are readily available to help and answer questions!

Q: What Do You Like Best About CSTCM’s Location?

A:  Certainly Denver is one of the most diverse cities in the nation.  Very integrated, lots of different people, lots of opportunity here.  The city’s growing and CSTCM is like right in the heart of this new Denver that has been emerging over the last I’d say decade.
CSTCM is located in Denver
CSTCM is centrally located in beautiful Denver, Colorado

Q: Do You Participate in Any Of Our CSTCM Social Events?

A: Yes I have.  I always make it a point to participate.  Yes,  so I’ve been to the barbecues,  I’ve been to a couple of
meetings where people were getting together discussing how to improve you know ourselves as students – unofficial as well as official gatherings.
Dragon Boat Festival
Dragon Boat Festival

Q: Are You Working While You Are In School?

A: I am a,  I’m a part-time employee but I have several part-time jobs that I’m doing.

Q: What Did You Do Prior to Becoming A Student at CSTCM?

A:  So prior to attending CSTCM I was a software developer I worked in downtown Denver.  I graduated from Metro State College and worked as a software developer / server administrator here for almost 20 years.
Hands On Training
Hands On!

Q: How Do You Find Balance While You Are Pursuing This Very Challenging Program?

A: Honestly I feel completely out of balance.  It’s a pretty challenging program –  this is medical school and it is a challenge.  However one of the things
that has been helpful is some of the Chi Gong,  breathing exercises, using the medicine to help keep my body in balance,  and then time management has been
helpful as well.
A Student at CSTCM discussing a technique with another student

Q: Would You Recommend This School to Any Potential Future Students?

A: Absolutely.  Absolutely I would recommend it however, I would warn them to have a support system at home and in their personal life,  and to be sure that they are ready to take on the challenge.   Even so it’s a rewarding program and there’s lots of opportunity lots of growth lots of lots of possibilities in terms of learning this medicine,  applying it with your friends,  family,  the public.   The medicine & the industry as a whole is growing and I think CSTCM is playing a
pretty central role in that for Colorado.

To inquire about becoming a student at CSTCM, please call: 303.329.6355 or Contact Us