Student Interview 1 – Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Our first Video interview with Elizabeth, who graduated in the Fall 2016 trimester from The Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Denver, Colorado.  Elizabeth talks about what brought her to CSTCM, and what it is like being a student here.

Learn how to apply to become a student of Traditional Chinese Medicine by calling 303.329.6355

Interview Transcript:


Q: What Brought You to CSTCM?

A: I had grown up around Traditional Chinese Medicine so it was something that had always interested me and I finally decided to take the leap so I started looking to schools.

I happen to live in the Denver area but CSTCM had a lot to offer and I really liked the traditional way of teaching so I thought that it would be a good fit for me.

TCM Students
Students Learn All Aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine at CSTCM

Q: You say you were brought up around TCM.  Can you elaborate?

A: I think that it has been somewhere yeah my aunt was an acupuncturist so she treated our family you know growing up I was a dancer so I was constantly injured and was exposed to it really earl.  I actually was hospitalized at about 12 years old and had a really bad infection they thought they were gonna have to do surgery twice they called my aunt in and she was allowed to treat me in the hospital and I was released the next morning, so it was just inspiring to me and I knew that there was something to it that works.

Students Learn To Become Highly Skilled Acupuncturists

Q: Where are you in the program, and what has your experience been like so far?

A: I’m in the herbal program the TCM program I’m in my third year.  I’m set to graduate in December. I’ve had a really good experience I really have just learned so much every single day I try and take in as much as I can.  I think it’s a really great group of people there’s a lot of different backgrounds and people with different types of experiences so it’s really great for us as students to be able to see different perspectives on this medicine and be able to pick people’s brains.  

Our instructors at CSTCM are passionate and dedicated

Q: How Has The Student Clinic Been, and How Are Your Supervisors?

A: I love the supervisors same thing lots of different experiences lots of different specialties areas of interest it sort of helped me to figure out what I like what I don’t like it’s really great being able to treat patients hands-on is a great experience it’s been very eye-opening I think in our clinic in particular we get a lot of a wide array of patients and a problem so it’s it’s been really nice.

Students taking a lunchtime Tai Chi break on our roof

Q: What do you like best about CSTCM?

A: I love the teachers I love the students.  I’ve made great friends I I think just anyone that’s given the opportunity to learn this medicine is blessed but to have done it in this environment,  I feel I feel really good about I think you have just a good group of people.

Students at CSTCM develop camaraderie and deep bonds with teach other

Q: Do you like the location of CSTCM?

A: Yeah I think that Colorado in general but Denver has always been on the cutting edge of alternative medicine and holistic health and I think that we are still right there.  Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine is really finding its niche in Denver and I think that the people that live here are really interested in seeking out different ways of healing.

Our location is central to the Best that Denver has to offer

Q: Have you been to any of the CSTCM social events, like the barbecue, bowling night, or Chinese New Year Celebration?

A: I have I have not made it to bowling, but yeah which is sad that because it’s like right in my neighborhood, but I’m always working or something.  But yes barbecues always a good time the staff is always really great and willing to hang out out with us you know socialize and yeah Chinese New Year is always a really good time, with great entertainment.  It’s it’s really fun to see the faculty being recognized – I really enjoy that.

Dragon Boat Festival

Q: Do you work while you are in school?

A: Very part time I’m a massage therapist so I’ve been lucky in being able to sort of make my schedule flexible but I do work you know two or three days a week depending on the semester.

CSTCM is also home to MTIC – the Massage Therapy Institute of Colorado

Q: How do you find balance while you are pursuing this very challenging program?

A: It’s difficult at times but I think that this medicine is inherently self loving and you know you really are taught to take care of yourself as well as others, so I really just try to apply the medicine to myself as much as possible and yes sleep and eat good foods and you know rest when I can and just find time to do peaceful things so that my brain can take a break.

Students taking a rooftop break
Students taking a rooftop break

Q: Would you recommend this school to any potential future students?

A: Absolutely yeah I would I would recommend this TCM school to anyone.  I think that the very traditional approach that we have here is great. I  think that the community surrounding this school is great and you know it attracts a lot of different types of people and I think that the curriculum is intense and very thorough I love all of our Chinese taught teachers that we are exposed to I think they bring a really good perspective and depth of knowledge that is really important to to learning for us and yes I would recommend it any day.

Learn how to apply to become a student of Traditional Chinese Medicine by calling 303.329.6355