The Natural Body Shop in Boulder

Practitioner Name: Christina Wilson, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.
Street Address: 5353 Manhattan Circle Boulder, Colorado 80303
Phone: 303-477-9256
In Practice Since: 2000
Treatment Specialty: Acupuncture and Tuina, Vibrational Sound Healing. Speciality is detoxification, digestion, and spinal health.
Acceptable Forms Of Payment: Cash, Check, Charge
Insurance: No
Other Information: Prices are $100 for the first 1.5 hours and $80 for one hour follow-ups in the Boulder clinic. I work Tuesdays through Saturdays, please call for specific appointment times and locations. Treatments are customized for your specific symptom picture and are complimented with food, herbal and yoga therapies to get to the root or origin of the problem.