Healing Arts Medical Center

2 Locations:
Street Address: 7720 South Broadway, Suite 440 Littleton, Colorado 80221
Street Address: 910 16th Street, Suite 408 Denver, Colorado 80202

Practitioner Name: Jeffrey Faudem, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. & CH
Phone: 303-623-1140
Email: jeff@healingartsdenver.com
Website: www.denverfertility.com
In Practice Since: 2003
Treatment Specialty: Pain management associated with pregnancy, Infertility, women’s health
Acceptable Forms Of Payment: Cash, Check, Visa, MC, Discover, American Express
Insurance: No
Other Information: ABORM member. Practice Hrs until 9:30PM, 7 days a week. Handicap accessible. Provides super bills. Works with all fertility clinics in the state.