Our Mission

Master Program


The Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s (CSTCM) mission is to graduate effective Chinese Medicine practitioners who work to attain the best patient care outcomes, using the skilled application of Chinese Medicine in clinical, educational, and collaborative settings.

Picture of a student practitioner preparing an herbal formula.

Educational Statement of Purpose

CSTCM is dedicated to being one of Chinese Medicine’s educational leaders and is committed to placing high-quality professional Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine education before all other factors. CSTCM is devoted to developing clinically effective graduates who: value personal and academic growth, who are compassionate, ethical, professional, and inspired to participate in and promote the development of Chinese Medicine and provide a high standard of healthcare from a sound theoretical and clinical understanding. CSTCM strives to graduate practitioners who are able to practice as independent health care providers in a variety of settings and are inspired to advance their knowledge, skills, and abilities as they work to advance Chinese Medicine to benefit patients and the health care community.

Program Goals

Graduates of the MAc and MAcCHM programs at CSTCM will:

  • accurately formulate comprehensive treatment plans based on differential diagnoses utilizing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.
  • be technically competent in applying adjunctive therapies including tui na, moxibustion, cupping, auricular therapy, and diet and lifestyle principles.
  • be knowledgeable and have a fundamental understanding of the body from the biomedical perspective and identify conditions requiring referral to other healthcare providers when necessary.
  • communicate professionally and knowledgeably with their patients, other healthcare providers and their community about the efficacy, safety and principles of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
  • understand the ethical and legal requirements of the acupuncture and Chinese Medicine profession and enter the profession with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide compassionate, ethical and professional services to their communities.
  • be assets to the larger community of Chinese medicine practitioners, supporting state, national and international organizations that promote the practice and education of Chinese Medicine.

Program Learning Outcomes

CSTCM’s Mission, Purpose and Goals are the foundation for the MAc, MAcCHM, Program Learning Outcomes. Graduates of the CSTCM MAc and MAcCHM Programs will be able to:

  • make accurate Chinese Medicine assessment, differential diagnosis/es, skillfully apply appropriate treatment principles and treatment plans competently provide acupuncture, cupping, electro-stimulation, moxibustion, tui-na, Chinese Medicine diet, exercise, meditation, and lifestyle recommendations and (MAcCHM Program) Chinese Herbal Medicine.
  • understand biomedical principles, assessment and diagnostic methods to make appropriate referrals for health care.
  • communicate professionally about Chinese Medicine to patients, the community and health care providers.
  • understand and apply legal, ethical, and business principles and standards to the practice of Chinese Medicine in a variety of care settings.
  • demonstrate knowledge of multiple practice and business models.
  • develop practice policies and procedures and create business and marketing plans that will support a successful solo or group practice.
  • display ethical, compassionate, and professional conduct with patients and peers.
  • value continued growth and development in Chinese Medicine knowledge and skills
  • be inspired to participate in state and national professional organizations and promote the ongoing development of Chinese Medicine.

Professional Doctorate Program

Professional Doctorate Program Goals

The CSTCM Professional Doctorate Program Goals include all the master’s degree program goals; in addition, the Professional Doctorate (DAc, DAcCHM) graduate will:

  • demonstrate appropriate knowledge and application of EAM, Biomedical, Integrative and Collaborative diagnosis and treatment plans consistent with advanced doctoral training
  • develop their knowledge, understanding, skill, and experience in a collaborative exchange between EAM practitioners and other health care
  • advance their ability to think critically, synthesize knowledge, use research findings and scientific and scholarly literature to support their professional practice

Professional Doctorate Learning Outcomes

The CSTCM Professional Doctorate Learning Outcomes include all the master’s degree program learning outcomes; in addition, the Professional Doctorate (DAc, DAcCHM) graduate will be able to:

  • Include and integrate Chinese Medicine with current research and evidence informed practices for patient
  • provide quality Chinese Medicine patient care within collaborative and integrative
  • communicate effectively with patients and other health professionals as an independent practitioner and as part of a collaborative, integrative and interdisciplinary team of
  • develop a personal professional development plan that ensures continuing professional growth and development for the benefit of the practitioner, the profession, patients, and the health care community

DAOM Program

DAOM Mission Statement

 The CSTCM DAOM program is an advanced practice doctoral program in Chinese Medicine from the classics with a focus on clinical application of theory, diagnosis, and treatment methods. The intention of the program is training students to apply classical treatment methods for the best possible clinical outcomes.

DAOM Statement of Purpose
The CSTCM DAOM program’s purpose is to train experts in Classical Chinese Medicine theory, clinical application, and research methods to advance the profession’s ability to practice as independent health care providers in a variety of settings.

DAOM Program Goals 

  • Provide the student with an advanced, in-depth education in Chinese Medicine from the classics’ theory, diagnosis, and treatment methods
  • Advance the student’s ability to apply Chinese Medicine from the classics’ theory to diagnosis, clinical treatment, and research
  • Develop the student’s ability to engage in Chinese Medicine from the classics’ collaborative interactions with other acupuncture and health care practitioners
  • Improve the student’s ability to think critically, synthesize knowledge, and use research findings from scientific and scholarly literature to support their professional practice
  • Provide the student with an opportunity for frequent and in-depth discourse between faculty and students resulting in the development of an academic community to enrich and advance the profession by contributing to the development of future generations of practitioners, faculty, researchers, clinical supervisors, and leaders in the profession.

DAOM Program Learning Outcomes

Building upon the Program Learning Outcomes of a Masters or Professional Doctorate degree in Acupuncture or Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, on completion of the DAOM program, graduates will be able to:

  • Understand Chinese Medicine from the classics’ foundational premise of the relationship of the universe and life on earth in the application of its’ theory
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of Chinese Medicine from the classics’ theory, its’ methods of diagnosis, and treatment strategies using both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in clinical practice
  • Reference classical texts and apply effective Chinese Medicine from the classics’ treatment strategies in clinical practice
  • Understand the use and value of biomedical diagnostic testing and communicate effectively with patients and other health professionals about test results and procedures relevant to patient care
  • Provide Chinese Medicine from the classics’ treatment strategies for a wide range of conditions as an independent practitioner or as part of a collaborative, integrative, and interdisciplinary team of healthcare providers
  • Understand research methodologies and their use in guiding the application of effective Chinese Medicine from the ancient classics’ treatment methods in clinical practice
  • Demonstrate the ability to fulfill professional leadership and advanced teaching roles with a commitment to lifelong learning


CSTCM is also committed to:

Ongoing Continuing Education

  • In addition to the core programs, CSTCM believes it is critical to promote and provide students, graduates, faculty, and licensed practitioners with high-quality continuing education.

Serving the Community

  • CSTCM is committed to providing a low-cost clinic for the community,
  • providing speakers for various public events,
  • offering lectures and workshops appropriate for the public.
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