Fantastic Treatment Space for Lease

I am searching for a practitioner who would like to take over my portion of the lease on a beautiful clinic space in Albuquerque, NM. (5800 McLeod Rd. NE, in Suite C) I have moved out of state and have been returning to Albuquerque monthly to continue treatments of my regular clients but it is time for me to close down shop here in New Mexico and dedicate myself to the work of building my practice in my new home.

I have a large, cozy treatment room in a beautiful, quiet office suite which is shared with two other DOM’s and one part time massage therapist occupying the three other treatment rooms.

The rent is $364 per month plus shared expenses which come out to between $60 and $90 a month additional and includes all utilities and shared office supplies (paper goods, copy paper, bot-tled water bubbler—hot and cold, printer/copier ink etc.) use of fax machine, copi-er, printer, wifi, and office cleaning twice a month.

The total monthly cost for this treatment room would work out to be $425 to $455 a month all included (varying based on utility/office needs and usage.)

If you like to run two rooms at a time, there is potential for that as the massage therapist is in one of the other treatment rooms only on Tuesdays and Fridays which would leave that room open to use on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays (and Sundays) – for an additional flat rate of $250/month if you are already leasing my treatment room. (If you want to rent just that room part time, without leasing my room, that is also an option but the cost would be $116/day of the week/month – for example if you want to have Wednesdays and Thursdays every week to use that room then the cost per month would be 2 x $116 = $232/month).

This office space has been WONDERFUL and everyone who comes in finds it comforting and relaxing just to arrive. The other therapists in the office are wonderful office mates and everything operates smoothly and simply as we have been in this space for almost 5 years now. I have moved out of state and have been traveling back for one week a month to continue treating my longstanding patients. Many of them are still looking for a practitioner to move to once I stop making these trips so there can also be an opportunity for 10-20 new clients to transition to the new practitioner if the connection is there and the style is similar.

I will not be moving my furniture and, although I have someone interested in buying it when I finish working in ABQ, the new tenant that takes over my lease would have the first option to purchase it. The furniture you see in these pictures inside the treatment room is all part of the package, plus the black bookshelves in the reception area, the desk in the reception area, a 4 drawer vertical filing cabinet (grey metal) and a 2 drawer vertical filing cabinet (black metal), a small refrigerator, microwave, 3 white shoji screens, and a gateway desktop computer with Windows 10 on it. The treatment table is an Earthlite stationary table with shelf underneath, headrest and armrest, (it is a sturdy and beautiful table and retailed new for $900). For all of the furniture listed above, I would ask a lump sum of $600 (payment plan negotiable). If you do not want the furniture, I have someone ready to buy it and get it out of your way.

Call, text or email Gretchen Gonzalez for more information
(505)340-4919 or

The right person will need to meet with the other office tenants to ensure everyone is happy and comfortable with one another.

I am able to offer a flexible start date for a new tenant to move in if needed. I am currently scheduled to return for my monthly week of treatments in October and am getting ready to schedule Novem-ber but could potentially offer a new tenant start date of October 1st if you would allow me to work from 10/18-10/24 (which could also be a week for introducing a new practitioner to my patients for later transition), or a start date of November 1st and I could just cancel that week of work. If you cannot start until December 1st, I could negotiate that with you as well. Or, if you have another idea, I am open to discussing the options.

The room is ready to move into with the furniture as it is. Any acu-puncturist could start working with ease right away without hav-ing to seek out the “right furniture”. A massage therapist could do the same. The other tenants of the office are also open to the possi-bility of another type of professional if there is someone out there looking for a perfectly marvelous office space to set up shop in.

There is a small, private shared room we call the “kitchen” or the “closet” that is just off of the reception area. This contains the sink, small refrigerator, micro-wave, the copier/printer/fax machine, paper shredder, a long counter, and it currently houses my granular herbal pharmacy (possibly negotiable for sale also) as well as several storage shelves shared by everyone in the office. The 4 drawer vertical filing cabinet is in this room and has a lock (and keys!).

The lease is up for renewal June 1, 2018 and at present everyone seems ready to renew for another year at.

It is time for me to wind down my work here completely and I hope to make someone else as happy as I was to move into this space in the first place. I grew a very suc-cessful practice here and know that the next person will do the same!

If you are interested in viewing the space let me know by email, text or phone or if you know anyone who might be looking for something like this, feel free to pass this advertisement on.

For more info or to arrange a viewing, contact Gretchen Gonzalez
(505) 340-4919