Successful practice seeks associate for potential long-term
Hello! I am looking for an acupuncturist to join my busy private practice in Old Town
Lafayette, Colorado. I am a Five Element Acupuncturist with additional training in TCM
and herbal medicine (both Eastern and Western herbs) and as such, my practice is
quite integrative. I also run a growing nonprofit (Inner Ocean 501(c)3) and travel for
several weeks a year to host health clinics and teach programs in communities that
need them the most (Nepal, Thai-Burma border, India, etc.).
Over the last couple of years my business has steadily grown and I now have more
clients than I am able to see. I am looking to bring another acupuncturist on as an
associate and to support you in steadily growing your skills and your client base. As an
associate, you will be learning from me not only vital practice management skills but
also, you will be learning my integrative approach to patient care and what it takes to
watch clients get better! This is a position with long-term potential as I plan to grow the
nonprofit work over these next few years and see fewer clients. Eventual partnership is
possible with the right person!
To start, you would shadow with my assistant and learn the administrative tasks (our
online scheduling tool, how and where we order herbs, online billing, etc.) and just
witness the flow of my practice. It’s important to me that you know all the administrative
work for times when my assistant can’t be there plus it’s always humbling to be
reminded of just how much she does for us! (10-15 hours/week at this time)
Second, you would begin shadowing me with my clients and learning how I integrate
these Five Element and TCM philosophies in the intake and treatment. My clients would
start getting to know you and you to know them. At this point I would invite you to
support my clients with adjunctive therapies (moxa, cupping, guasha, etc.) and to listen
and give feedback on color, sound, odor, emotion, pulse picture, tongue diagnosis, etc.
(20-25 hours/week at this time).
And lastly, when you and I both feel ready we will begin scheduling clients with you (I
anticipate anywhere from 4-12 weeks of training depending on your level of comfort and
experience). Ideally you will be available at this time during my office hours (Tuesday
through Friday) and also some hours opposite from me (Friday through Monday).
However there is some flexibility with these hours. If you and I are feeling pretty
confident and my clients are happy to book with you, then you may take on some of my
current schedule. We can discuss this when the time comes (20-30 hours/week
Who you are:
– You must have good communication skills, both verbal and written. I have
learned and practiced Non-Violent Communication since 2006 and am generally open
and honest in my nature. I would like to work with someone who is able to name when
they are having a bad day or if they are having a need that isn’t being met in our office.
– I would like to work with someone who is open to addressing conflict, as
uncomfortable as it may be at times. I trust the process when both people are willing to
take responsibility and come out on the other side with a stronger connection and more
trust in the partnership.
– I need you to be open to training with me. I trust that you bring your own
incredible set of skills with you and am excited about that AND my clients are going to
want a familiar experience when seeing another practitioner in our office. I imagine that
in time, we will both learn a lot from each other however, in the beginning I would like for
you to be able to mimic how I practice and engage with my clients.
– I am open to a recent graduate or to someone who has tried private practice but
perhaps found it difficult to sustain. As an associate, you will have the opportunity to relearn
all of these things and have the potential to change people’s lives all the while,
earning an incredible income and without all the hassle of having to do it alone (I’ve
already built the foundation!). Believe me, I know that many training programs offer
great practitioner skills but fall short with the practice management skills!
-Sometimes we will work long hours and other times we will give ourselves halfdays
or 2 hour lunch breaks to compensate. I need someone who can be flexible
(especially in the beginning since it takes a while for clients to get used to another
practitioner seeing them!) but someone who is willing to put in the work. I promise you
that at the end of the day, it will be worth it!
Position Requirements:
• Must have Colorado acupuncturist license and malpractice insurance (or able to
demonstrate that you have both before your training begins.
• Please submit your resume and cover letter by Jan. 1st, 2018 to In the cover letter explain your current
employment situation, salary history and what your current salary and hourly
needs are. Most importantly, tell me why you feel you would be ideal for this
position. (No phone calls please).
Please visit: and to
have a look at what we are up to!