Practitioner Testimonials


~~Anna Chang,中医博士,美国加州注册针灸师

Xiaochuan Pan’s Self Consistent System of Classical Chinese Medicine’s (SCS-CCM) teaching about the Huangdi Neijing (HDNJ) emphasize the method “to distinguish and diagnose the state of Qi to apply the correct treatment” and align this with the double spiral theory that the sky rotates to the left, the Earth moves to the right, and the male left, and the female right, brings Chinese medicine theory to a new level.
It restores the classical medicine theory that Chinese Medicine comes from cosmology and relates to the astronomical calendar.
It emphasizes that it is essential to learn the theory first, followed by clinical practice. Applying these theoretical and clinical methods provides immediate proof that the theory is in accord with the way of cosmology/heaven. Since learning this method, I am no longer bound by a set of techniques.
This approach teaches principles (the Tian Dao) first, followed by the rules/natural law (the actual interactions of yin, yang, 5 elements), such that the order of treatment is to learn the principle so one can apply the rules to decide the prescription. Guided by this in-depth understanding, the practitioner can select the appropriate treatment methods with acupuncture, herbal medicine, and CM therapies.
I believe this is how to learn and practice Chinese medicine.

~~Anna Chang, PhD, L.Ac (USA)


~~潘世南,新西兰执业针灸师中医师,Centre of balance 院长

After studying classical Chinese medicine with Dr. Pan, I understood the Huang Di Nei Jing (HDNJ) at a much deeper level. I now understand and can relate all parts of the HDNJ one to another and as a whole.
Before I studied Self Consistent System of Classical Chinese medicine (SCS-CCM), reading the original text of the HDNJ would put me to sleep. Now I am so excited when I read the HDNJ. The more I read it, the more energetic I am, so I no longer dare to read and study the HDNJ before going to bed.
Dr. Pan taught clearly, starting with theory and then using the HDNJ to create results-oriented clinical techniques. Learning SCS-CCM is one of the blessings of my life, and it has brought me to the next level of practicing Chinese medicine. Now, when I read the HDNJ, I found that I can read it repeatedly and better understand the ideas and how to use them in the clinic. I firmly believe that the principle of HDNJ is the ultimate theory. With my new understanding of the HDNJ, I can develop techniques different from my previous ones. In addition, my newfound knowledge allows me to combine acupuncture and pulse modulation techniques at a much higher level. It has been an honor for me to meet Dr. Pan. His teachings on the interpretation of the HDNJ are advancing my life’s work in CM. I am deeply grateful that the universe aligned our paths and allowed me to learn SCS-CCM from Dr. Pan.
~~Szenan Phua, L.Ac (New Zealand), CCM Practitioner at the Principle of Centre of Balance

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