In The News

In The News

Occasionally CSTCM graduates, faculty members, and students find themselves in the news or media discussing pressing OM topics and issues or publishing articles related to traditional Chinese medicine.  We are interested in what our graduates are doing (and your classmates and schoolmates would be interested also).  Please let us know if you appear in any articles or on TV, or publish anything on OM.




  • CSTCM grad Judi Terrill (99) was featured in a Denver Metro Media article in October 2017 titled “Local healer helping youth in need with low-cost or free care“.
  • CSTCM grad Katie Dautrich (12) was interviewed for an article titled “Ancient Medicine for Healing the Mind: Acupuncturists Sees Hope in Chinese Approach” published in the January 5 2017 issue of Gunnison Country Times.


  • CSTCM grad Scott Turpin (13) had an article titled “Traditional Chinese Medicine for Athletes” published in the April/May 2016 issue of Endurance News.
  • CSTCM student Brittney Chowning had an article titled “Making the Case for Acupuncture Instead of Opiates,” published in the January 2016 issue of Colorado Acupuncturist.
  • CCTV America did a news story about using Acupuncture as Anesthesia, which features CSTCM faculty member Dayong Hou, CSTCM graduates/faculty members Judy Lemieux (03), Joseph Brady (06) and Sharon Coyner (10), and CSTCM students Isaac White, Steven Ljungberg, Jina Pak, Guy Ciulla, Amy Long, and Julienne Gienger.


  • CSTCM grad Donna Henderson (01), had an article titled “Teaching Qi Gong to Children,” published in the September 2015 issue of Acupuncture Today.
  • CSTCM grad Tamara Hutchins (03) was featured in a Fox31 Denver News story about Facial Acupuncture called ‘Zen Redhead Acupuncture’ on July 14, 2015.
  • CSTCM grad Kristen Horner-Warren (03) wrote a blog in May 2015 on “What you must know before you try dry needling.”
  • CSTCM grad Donna Henderson (01) has published a book for children titled, Let the Rain Fall Down: Qi Gong Song and Book for Children.








  • CSTCM grad Fred Jennes (97) and CSTCM faculty member is now on the AAAOM Editorial Board and had a book review on The Tao of Fertility published in The American Acupuncturist, Fall 2008.
  • CSTCM grad Gail Smithson (97) was featured in an article in Natural Awakenings, October 2008.
  • CSTCM grad Sabrina Maiden (00) was featured in an article in Natural Awakenings, December 2008.
  • CSTCM grad Martha Lucas (01) had an article in the October 2008 issue of the AAC Newsletter, The Colorado Acupuncturist, titled “Oriental Medicine: The True Anti-Aging Medicine”; and an article published in Acupuncture Today titled “Oriental Medicine: Traditional or Not?” (September 2008).
  • CSTCM grad Terry Fox (06) had an article in the October 2008 issue of the AAC Newsletter, The Colorado Acupuncturist, titled “Volunteering to Promote Acupuncture.”
  • CSTCM grad Joe Wollen had articles titled “The Left and Right Brain Frustrations of TCM School” (May 2008), and “Gaining Confidence as a Student” (August 2008), both published in Acupuncture Today, in the Student Corner section.
  • CSTCM faculty member Caylor Wadlington and faculty member Daniel Hudson were quoted in an article from Inside, July 2008, titled “Oxygen at Altitude.” The article was about an altitude adjustment formula they developed.
  • CSTCM grad and President of the AAC, Nancy Billelo (98) was quoted during the Channel 4 segment on Physical Therapists using dry needling.
  • CSTCM grad Martha Lucas (01) had an article in the AAC Newsletter, The Colorado Acupuncturist, titled “What’s in a Name?
  • CSTCM grad Denise Ellinger (01) had an article in the AAC Newsletter, The Colorado Acupuncturist, titled “The Gold Mine of Facial Diagnosis.”
  • CSTCM grad Scot Somes (06) appeared in a Denver Post article titled “Eastern Medicine Wins Over Athletes.”
  • CSTCM grad Samhitta Jones (98) was written up in a 3-page article in the Boulder Weekly for a clinic she runs called the Community Acupuncture Clinic, calling it “Boulder’s Best Kept Secret”. Radio station KGNU had an interview with her about the clinic. The Boulder Daily Camera had a write-up on her and her partner, Mary Saunders, in the fitness section, about the affordable ($20-$45) clinic in an open space setting. She says any student who would like to get information on how to run a community clinic should contact her at 303-447-0443. She also graduated from SWAC Boulder with her MSOM degree, but says “CSTCM is her favorite”.
  • CSTCM grad Karen Kurtak (01) was featured in a February 2008 New York Times, Fashion & Style section article titled “A Traditional Therapy Finds Modern Uses.” The article was about auricular therapy and the use of ear seeds (Vaccaria – Wang Bu Liu Xing) for stop smoking treatments, other addictions, and pain.
  • CSTCM grad Joe Wollen had articles titled “The Importance of Finding/Remembering a Mentor” (February 2008), and “Experiencing Family” (November 2008), both published in Acupuncture Today, in the Student Corner section.


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