Affordable Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Denver

Affordable TCM in Denver – Client Interview & Testimonial

An interview and testimonial from one of our regular clients to the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Clinic.   She receives Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Chinese Herbal Therapies 3-4 times a month.   She describes the excellent and affordable care she receives here at CSTCM in Denver.

Please call 303-329-6355 ext 10 to schedule an appointment.

Q: What brought you to CSTCM to receive TCM Treatments?

A:  Well about 25 years ago I had a very bad ear infection that was not going away and I’d seen a traditional practitioner, and things weren’t working and he finally put me on an antibiotic which I wasn’t thrilled about it did take care of the infections, but I had problems with my ears so a friend of mine Rosemary told me about Dr. Cheng,  and that he was new to the school but he had just come here at that time.  It took me a week or two but I did I did come here with my husband who sat right by me during the whole procedure.

I react very well to good therapies and it helped tremendously and I got through that period in my life of ear infections.

Acupuncture at CSTCM
Acupuncture at CSTCM

Q: What other therapies did you try before coming to CSTCM?

A: I had done a lot of investigation into alternative therapies over the years because I tend to be very sensitive and allergic to certain things, and traditional practitioners wanted to give me medicines that I’ve taken before and didn’t do well with so I decided to continue with Dr. Cheng.   I’m so glad I did because he cures me like that.

Cupping Therapy at CSTCM

Q: What often do you come for treatment?

A: Well, until my husband passed away it might have been once a month you know type of thing.   After my husband passed away I decided I was going to take really good care of myself so I got me three to four times a month.  I call it my maintenance.

Yan Jing Supply
Our On-Site Chinese Herbal Pharmacy

Q:  Do you feel a difference if you miss treatments?

A: Yeah it’s never extreme.  I truthfully I could probably get along on the three times a month.  I find that when they come four times a month there’s a significant difference in how I feel,  and there are times when I’ve not been feeling well when I’ve come a couple of times a week.  I mean that’s happened and to me it’s just a way of life.  I mean that’s just who I am or what I do.


Q:  Would you recommend Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?

A:  I have recommended it so many times over the years and quite a few of my friends have tried it here and several have gone to Dr. Cheng and they really liked him.

Final Thoughts

I just find that when I find someone  who can help me as quickly as Dr. Cheng does that I just don’t seek out other people.   Although Rui Nan has helped me many times I take that back and she’s been wonderful there were times when Dr. Chen was out of town and I would go to Rui Nan,  and she’s fabulous so you know I have I have expanded.

Please call 303-329-6355 ext 10 to schedule an appointment.

CSTCM is located in Denver, Colorado