Tai Ji Quan

Tai Ji Quan Classes

Saturday: 8:00 – 9:00 am (Classroom B)
Instructors: Matt Orishak

Tai Ji Quan or sometimes translated “Supreme Ultimate Boxing” comes from Chinese philosophy and culture. Based on the principles of the I Jing and the philosophy of Lao Zi, Tai Ji is a system of rounded, fluid, balanced movements to be practiced daily for health, peace of mind, and even self- defense. The I Jing says: “Nature is always in motion. Man should strengthen himself without interruption.” Exercise leads to robust health, high spirits, and rational thinking. Tai Ji stresses slow respiration and balanced, relaxed postures and it certainly promotes deep breathing, digestion, the functioning of the internal organs and blood circulation.

  • Free to Students once their curriculum requirement has been met
  • Open to the general public – $5.00 Per Class

Matt Orischak

Picture of four people doing Tai Ji.Matt earned the title of Lao Shi in 2015 from Wu Tung Nei Jia of D.A.O. With over 26 years of research and practice, he teaches Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Dao Yin, and Meditation, with an emphasis on increasing kinesthetic intelligence, understanding and capability with energetic harmonization and working with energy, and establishing and enhancing transformative practice. After many years of experience with various movement systems, Matt found a profound capacity and ardor for Tai Chi and Qi Gong and is dedicated to sharing the internal practices with any and all who can benefit from their practice.

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