Alumni Corner

Alumni Corner

Continuing Education  |  Employment Opportunities
Any CSTCM Diploma graduates, who wish to obtain the MAcCHM or MAc Degree must meet all admissions requirements and curriculum of the programs at the time they enter the program. They should get a catalog from the office and submit an application and application fee. Graduates who are interested can also get an information sheet from the office on their Transfer Credit into the programs and courses they will need to take. The Summer 2021 Trimester begins May 3, 2021. Please contact the office for a schedule. There are currently 13 graduates from the old Diploma program who have graduated with their M.S.TCM or M.S.Ac. Degree.

Missing Grads

  • Patricia Householder (1993)
  • Darin Levine (1998)
  • Mike Mitchell (1996)
  • Martin Pahl (1996)
  • Hyo Jin Park (2005)
  • Ai Sato (1998)
  • Kaeryn Silvera (2003)
  • Jessica Steyn (1999)
  • Jeffrey Taylor (1999)
  • Alejandra Vidarte (1998)

We continue to update our graduate database and want to be sure graduates receive surveys, newsletters, and flyers for upcoming workshops. Please contact the Academic Dean or Administrative Director if you have not talked to them recently, or fill out the Alumni Information Update form. CSTCM currently has 702 graduates (218 Diploma grads, 361 MSTCM grads, and 123 MS.Ac. grads).

What Are You Graduates Doing Out There?

We are interested in what our graduates are doing and your classmates and schoolmates would be interested also. Please let us know if you appear in any articles or on TV, publish anything on OM, teach any workshops, or are on the faculty or administration of another OM school. Please fill out the Alumni Information Update Form and send it to us via email, fax, or mail.

Are any graduates interested in forming a committee to create an alumni association?

Please contact the Academic Dean’s office if interested.

Planning on taking the NCCAOM Board Exams?

We encourage CSTCM graduates who are preparing to take their NCCAOM Board Exams to audit the TCM331 Exam Prep class at no charge. This course will be held on Mondays from 9:00 – 10:30 am for the first 6 weeks of the Summer 2021 trimester – May 3, 10, 17, TBD and May 31, and June 7 & 14). If you are interested in auditing this course, please contact the Academic Dean’s office.

Continuing Professional Education

All workshops and registration are available on our Eventbrite page. Parago Jones is working on arranging more workshops for 2021. Suggestions for workshops can be submitted to him. For more information see the flyers on the bulletin board as they are posted for the CSTCM Proficiency Exam Prep, Tongue, Pulse, and Business Management workshops; free for all CSTCM students and graduates.

CSTCM Scheduled Workshops for 2021

  • Due to the Pandemic, CSTCM has no Workshops scheduled for 2021 currently

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunites at CSTCM

We are always looking for grads or others with a bioscience background to teach bioscience courses and those with 5 years or more experience to teach TCM courses. If interested, please submit a CV and call the Academic Dean at 303-329-6355, ext 15.

Other Professional Opportunities for Alumni

We continually receive notices for Acupuncture positions available at established practices, opportunities available at wellness centers, spaces for rent, practices for sale, etc. and encourage our graduates to check back here often to see if new opportunities have opened up.

Acupuncture Association of Colorado

Occasionally, we receive notices from the Acupuncture Association of Colorado when they post new classified ads on their website.

American Association of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine

The AAAOM has a Career Center online where you can search for job openings throughout the US.

If you would like to post an ad for a position or professional opportunity, please contact the receptionist at 303-329-6355 Ext. 10 or send an email with your posting to

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