Industry Links

Industry Links
Gateway to Chinese medicine, health, and wellness. A comprehensive source for all related information about acupuncture-like articles, news and practitioner search.
Acupuncture in Medicine
This peer-reviewed international journal presents a scientific approach to acupuncture.
Acupuncture Today
An online monthly magazine for acupuncture and TCM.
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
Has resources for Acupuncture in the News – a compilation of articles from various sources.
The American Journal of Chinese Medicine
An international journal of comparative medicine, east, and west. It publishes articles and essays related to traditional medicine from all cultures.
Chinese Medicine Directory
An online resource for acupuncture and all oriental medicine related information.
Chinese Medical Journal
Publishes articles about Chinese and oriental medicine; content is in the English and Chinese languages.
High Falls Foundation Inc
High Falls Gardens is a small farm supporting a big idea – the restoration of authentic plant medicine to North America.  They are a nonprofit organization founded in 2008 carrying out their mission of education, research and conservation of medicinal plants.  Click here to view their annual newsletter.
Institute of Traditional Medicine (ITM)
ITM  on-line has an internal java based search engine to quickly find any topic.  The ITM Start Group Journals are one of the best OM journals published, especially related to Chinese herbal medicine.
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies
A bimonthly, peer-reviewed journal featuring high-quality studies related to basic and clinical acupuncture and meridian research.
Meridians: The Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Public access issues contain all advertisements plus book reviews, opinion papers, letters, and announcements as well as the abstracts of all peer-reviewed research articles.
Natural News
Acupuncture news, articles and information.
The Journal of Chinese Medicine
The foremost English language journal on all aspects of Chinese medicine including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, dietary medicine and Chinese medical history and philosophy.
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
One of the largest circulating health science journals in the world specializing in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
Qi: The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness
Has articles about traditional Chinese medicine and other information about culture, language, and history.
Shen-Nong is a good resource from Hong Kong about traditional Chinese medicine, it’s basic principles, treatment modalities and application, and current research and literature
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day
The world’s #1 source for all things Tai Chi and Qigong. The natural health resource center offers free lessons in Tai Chi & Qigong online, Tai Chi DVD’s and books. There are other educational resources available, and a worldwide directory of Tai Chi & Qigong teachers.
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