

Picture of the CSTSM Library.The library continues to welcome both students and faculty to visit, browse the books and resources, and find what most interests you. The library has over 9,700 English and Chinese language books, journals and periodicals covering traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine, alternative medicine; a TV/VCR/DVD player with videos covering the same subjects and various anatomy models to assist with your studies and meet the information needs of students and faculty. In addition, the library offers high-speed wireless internet access and networked computers with various software. Library hours are posted each trimester. Arrangements have been made with the University of Colorado Health Sciences Library for our students to have lending privileges. Faculty and students are also encouraged to utilize other library resources in their studies, such as public and college libraries.

Library Information

Currently the CSTCM library is open by appointment only to students, faculty and staff due to the public health order. To make an appointment or if there is a book you want to checkout, then please call or email the Administrative Director or Financial Aid Administrator.

When onsite classes can begin regularly, library hours will be:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday  9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  • Saturday 12:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Student librarians are in the library during the lunch hour and from 5 p.m. to close, as well as on Saturdays from 12:00 – 6:00 p.m. They can help with any information needs and make book recommendations to fit student preferences. The Library Guidelines handbook is available in the library to answer any questions about procedures.

Picture of a student at a computer in the CSTCM library.


If anyone has any Chinese medicine or holistic medicine books or journals they would like to donate to the library, we would deeply appreciate it. Also, western medicine books or journals published in the last 5 years would be appreciated. We keep hoping the theft of library books will not be as much of a problem as in the past. Please contact the Academic Dean, who has oversight of the library, if you have any questions or comments about the library. Input is always welcome.

Don’t forget the Business Course Binder in the library. Articles are added regularly. The binder contains articles in the following sections: Malpractice/Ethics, Practice Management, and Insurance Billing.

Check-out PubMed for more than 21 million citations on biomedical and alternative medicine (including TCM).

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