Balance Healing, LLC

Practitioner Name: Molly A. Monahan, L.Ac, Dipl.O.M., MQP, CMT
Street Address: 135 East 13th Street (PO Box 1303) Leadville, Colorado 80461
Phone: 719-293-4742
In Practice Since: 2007
Treatment Specialty: Women’s Health, musculoskeletal issues, macular degeneration, overall health and wellness. Also a certified massage therapist(since 2000) and medical qigong practitioner.
Acceptable Forms Of Payment: Cash, Check, Credit Card
Insurance: No, super bills upon request
Other Information: I work by appointment only, and our building has plenty of parking and is wheelchair accessible. æMy practice is located in an integrated healthcare building with a chiropractor and physical trainer in the awesome town of Leadville!